Monday, May 12, 2008

Protect Your EYES!!!

I have a cold.

Why do they call it a cold?

I'm guessing because they used to think thats what caused it.

Maybe they should change the name to "Oh No!, I must have gotten a virus on my hand and then touched my eye!"

I guess that would be hard to put on a medicine box though.

How come they haven't found a cure yet? Is there anybody working on this??? I agree that cancer and AIDS are important, but nobody likes to have a cold. For such a "common" thing it sure does make you feel like you want to die. The only reason I have energy to type all this is because of a wonderful, wonderful, over the counter drug I bought.

Did you know?

Most of the illegal drugs such as cocaine and heroine were used by drug companies (eg; Bayer) at one point before they found out how addictive and terrible they were. In fact, after the civil war, a lot of veterans became addicted to Morphine, so in order to get them off of it, they started giving them what they thought to be a non-addictive drug with similar effects. The drug was heroine. Lets just say it didn't work out so well.

Anyway, I have a cold, it sucks a lot, and if you know somethings going around DO NOT TOUCH YOUR EYES. Contrary to popular belief...and this is just a little something I learned at a place called is harder for germs to attack when hey are passed through saliva. It is possible, but most likely they got in through your eye.


cadiz12 said...

yet another reason to continue wearing glasses. i seem to rub my eyes less often, and it's automatic protection in case somebody sneezes on me on the El.

Anonymous said...

So if someone spits in your eye, will you get a cold?

Madelyn said...

good question anonymous. I can see where you would be confused by that. If someone were to spit in your eye, you may get a cold. If this has happened to you, ask the person who spit in your eye if he or she has a cold. Also, wash your eyes out and where sun glasses whenever you are around the person who did this to you.

Derby Wallus said...

If someone spit in my eye, that wouldn't be very nice. I would have to smack them.

Also, did you know that there used to be cocaine in coca-cola and Crystal meth in Seven up?

Madelyn said...

Yes on the coca on the 7up...not sure if i believe that one.