Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Remember the days when you would get together with your siblings a day or two before Easter, and your mom would set out cups of dye and some boiled eggs and you would see who could leave one of there eggs in the longest? . . . No? Maybe that was just my family.

Well now we're all grown up, and 2 of my siblings don't even live in the same state, so we don't really see each other on Easter, let alone get together to dye eggs.

However, I live at home again (temporarily), and my older younger sister drove up from San Diego, so we decided to dye eggs. EXCEPT we decided that egg dye was stupid and lame. The eggs can only absorb so much, and when you decorate eggs that way it's really just putting eggs into a cup and waiting. Sure it was amazingly fun when I was ten, but I've matured so much since then, and my sister and I wanted to decorate eggs like grown ups.

We decided to go with acrylic paint. That's right! Real paint, with paint brushes! The possibilities were endless!

So, I bought some paint, my mom boiled some eggs, and when my sister arrived we were ready to get creative!

Now, I'm not going to lie, thinking of designs to paint on an egg is not as easy as it sounds, and my sister and I started out by dipping our brushes in some paint and hoping a design would come to us once the brush touched the egg. This is why my first egg was just purple. This is also why most of my sisters eggs were ugly.

But eventually we got the hang of it. Here is a list of the names we gave some of the eggs :

1.) Crying Jesus Egg - this was basically an egg that I put some red spots on, which made me think of blood, and then inspiration struck. I turned it into an egg with a crown of thorns. BRILLIANT!

2.) The Madelyn Egg - this egg was done by my sister and is by far my least favorite egg. Basically she was trying to paint the San Diego Chargers symbol. She thought it would be soooo easy, I knew it wouldn't but she insisted on trying. The bolt she painted was no good so she turned it into a painting of me with short hair. (sigh)

3.) The Cow Egg - This egg was specifically made for my mom who LOVES cows. She'll deny it up and down, but they are her absolute favorite. If you ever want to get her something, just buy anything with a cow on it. Anyway, this was basically just an egg with brown spots on it . . . you know, similar to spots a cow would have.

4.) The Charger Egg - My sisters efforts to make a Charger egg failed multiple times, so I decided to give it a go. Of course it came out perfect.

5.) The Clover egg - Working on these eggs was taking longer than we thought (or wanted). About an hour and a half in, we still seemed to have a lot of eggs left to paint, not to mention the work we had left on the ones we had already started. So I began putting nonsense on some of them. THe first of these was the clover egg.

6.) The Music Egg - The second of the nonsense eggs

7.) The Bowling Pin Egg - The third and most brilliant of the nonsense eggs. It started out as a bowling ball. And actually it's both a pin and a ball . . . the ball being on the side you can't see in the pictures below. I'm very proud of this egg.

8.) The Clown Egg - this egg took a lot of time because it involved a lot of in between drying time. I had no planned design for this egg, I would just pick it up and add to it. In the picture, it's the egg next to the bowling pin egg, and below the purple egg. My sister said it reminded her of a clown which is how it got it's name.

9.) The Purple Egg - I already talked about this egg and I think it's pretty self explanitory.

The other eggs were painted by my sister and they don't really have names other than "The ugly Eggs" a nickname given by me. I can't really tell you what her thought process was during the creation of these designs, but perhaps we will be lucky enough for her to leave a comment in which she tells us exactly what she was thinking.

So here they are, my egg masterpieces, and the ones my sister painted. Let me know what you think.


cadiz12 said...

i don't think any of those are ugly. and the madelyn one is cute!

Anonymous said...

Too bad Easter only comes once a year. Those look pretty good...

Anonymous said...

Those are pretty cool. I seem to remember a Christmas gift project that you and I tried to start but quickly lost interest in after realizing how much time it would take.

Madelyn said...

anonymous number 2 - yeah, but that involved a lot of cutting. I think you would have liked this a lot more.