Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm still alive

Yup, I am still breathing. Some of you who are reading this may be happy about that, some maybe not so much.

A lot's been happening since I last posted.

1.) I moved. I have two roommates now, they're pretty awesome . . . so far. That may change. People seem to become a little crazy once you really get to know them . . . myself included I'm sure.

2.) I still live in Nevada. That part hasn't changed I suppose. I decided I wasn't ready to move yet . . . and I know you're all wondering it, so I'm just going to tell you straight up: No, it wasn't because of a boy. I still haven't met anyone good enough yet. But I'm sure if I do I will keep it a secret as long as possible.

3.) I'm still in the bowling league. We haven't been doing to well the last couple of weeks though. Let me break it down for you.

a.) As I mentioned before, there are four people on the team. R and D are a couple. R is really good when he's good, but when he's having an off day, as he has been for the last few weeks, he's pretty bad. D has always been pretty poor at the game . . . her average is . . . 114, I think.

b.) M is almost as good as R, and is actually more consistent at doing well, but in my opinion he cheats because he doesn't use his thumb when he bowls.

c.) Then there's me, I'm not completely terrible. I have my good games (186) and my bad games (114), but my average has pretty much stayed the same (143).

4.) My registration sort of expired on my car at the beginning of July, and it's been nothing but trouble ever since. I say "sort of" because technically I paid the registration fee on time, but what I didn't do was get it smogged. I kept planning on it, but it just never happened.

So, when I was driving home from work last Wednesday I got pulled over. Unfortunately, I also didn't have my insurance card on me because of another horrible thing that happened to me, but I'll get to that later. So the NHP (Nevada Highway Patrol) man asked to see my license, registration and proof of insurance, all I had to show him was my CALIFORNIA drivers license. At this point I was nervous and scared of the consequences so I proceeded to lie and tell him that I had just moved here and was planning on registering my car in Nevada, as well as getting a Nevada Drivers License. Then I found an older proof of insurance and thought "hey I should show him this!" BAD IDEA! It had my Nevada address on it, which proved that I had been there since at least November.

Because of this he gave me a ticket for being a working resident of Nevada without registering my car or getting a Nevada license. He also gave me a ticket for not having proof of insurance.

Does it get worse? Yeah, kind of. I went home that night, told one of my roommates and we decided the best way to fix my problem was to get super drunk. I had an entire bottle of White Zin (P.S. I rarely drink) all to myself.

I woke up feeling awful. A little too awful. I had the first signs of a cold. I was devastated, I hadn't been sick in a year. Almost a year exactly actually.

I drove to work, terrified of being pulled over. Luckily I made it.

I was not so lucky on the way home after work. I was literally a mile away from home when I got pulled over again.

I showed the NHP man my ticket from the day before, thinking maybe it was some sort of extension to get my car registered in Nevada. It wasn't. Luckily, he was nice and decided to let me go. I really like him actually. He was very helpful when I asked him questions about what exactly I had to do. So maybe it was a good thing.

I decided not to drive my car again until it I was able to get my car registered.

To be continued . . .


Anonymous said...

Owning a car sucks.

Anonymous said...

That is some foolishness. You should never move states again. Unless it's to Ohio where I could watch over you. We have a bowling alley in my town.

cadiz12 said...

what anon 2 said but replace "ohio" with "illinois."

we have TWO bowling alleys.