Friday, January 2, 2009


The urge to post at 2:39 in the morning is overwhelming right now. So here I am, posting, at 2:39ish in the morning.

Why this overwhelming need to post?

I just feel the need to share my wisdom with the world . . . or in this case the 6 different, possibly 7, people that read this blog.

Have you ever bought too many good CD's at once only to find yourself torn between which one to listen to on your way to work? I'm not going to lie, it's rough! And it's an inner struggle I face every morning when I get into the car. The only thing worse than too much good music, is none.

You know what I mean? You're sick of all your CD's, and even when you put in one you haven't listened too in what seems like forever, it still doesn't fill the void.

I would, at this point like to acknowledge my brother, who brought this up in a long car ride home not so long ago.

But I know we have all felt that pain.

Another thing I have struggled with these last few days is this: SCENARIO: I'm really tired. . . can barely keep my eyes open. . . lying in bed. . . desperate for sleep . . . and yet. . . I want . . . NAY. . . NEED to watch just one more episode of NewsRadio. So i give in to my desires for said episode . . . but wait . . . I must watch just one more! The battle between sleep or just one more episode goes on and on . . . until . . . CRAP, it's almost time to get up for work! BUT I STILL WANT TO WATCH JUST ONE MORE EPISODE! OKAY, okay, I'll call in sick, but just this once.

*Don't worry folks, the last part of that paragraph was exaggerated a little bit. I never called in sick . . . I just didn't show up at all.

At this point in my post I would like to announce My newest business idea. I know most of you will agree that it is great. Okay, here it goes . . . t-shirts . . . wait for it . . . little bit longer . . . THAT LOOK LIKE BOWLING SHIRTS!

They were a huge hit at Christmas.

I would now like to apologize to my brothers girlfriend who has not received hers yet. Don't worry, you will be able to buy one soon for only $19.95 . . . $24.95 if you want your name on it.

It's time to do some thanking. Christmas was about a week ago, and let me just say . . . I raked in some good stuff this year.

First and foremost I would like to thank my older sister, not the oldest one, although she will be thanked shortly, but my older younger one. She made me an awesome sign that said "Will Work 4 Red Bull". Currently it is hanging on my bedroom door, but I'm sure that someday, not too long from now, you will find me with it on street corners.

Next of course is my Oldest Older sister who also gave me several wonderful gifts: A pen that says it floats on the box, but actually sort of just sits in place . . . not that I don't love it, 2 stuffed hippo's (a girl and a boy of course) which I most regrettably left at my parents house . . . (along with the pen). . . but should have soon enough once my mom sends them to me, a calendar, a lovely star she handmade with what seems to be cardboard and a pound of glitter . . . I love it . . . and I think that was it . . . forgive me if I've forgotten anything.

My Parents always get me wonderful gifts of course. This year I received a set of pajamas, a snuggie (if you don't know what that is, look it up. "I Shouldn't be Doing This, and Other Things That Strike Me as Funny" a book by Bob Newhart. A t-shirt with a cat face on it, a cool puzzle . . . and . . . ummm . . . I'm blanking here, that might have been all, and I feel terrible for forgetting, but they have 4 kids so i doubt they will remember either.

And Last but not least My secret Santa, some also refer to him as my brother. He picked a load of good things, My personal favorite was a Steve Carell bobblehead. But all of them were good really. There was trivial pursuit, two versions if you count the one I stole from him, several pairs of scrubs, books (some from his girlfriend, as well as recommended by her), and of course the entire series of NewsRadio.

I love all my gifts, even the ones I possibly forgot to list. SO THANK YOU. ( Just so you know, this is sort of my thank you card, so don't be expecting one in the mail).

All right, wisdom shared.

Nighty Night!

*I'm sure most of you understand me and my sarcasm well enough to know that I have not missed any work due to a television program I own on DVD.


cadiz12 said...

i totally hear you on the forcing yourself to stay up for one more episode of News Radio. I always try it but inevitably fall asleep shortly after Matthew gets smacked, slapped, tripped, dunked or whatever other thing happens to him right before the opening credits.

Anonymous said...

Who is Steve Carrell and why does he have a bobblehead doll?