Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bad Genes

I don't mean to offend my parents by the title of this post. Growing up and even now I was never fat, I never had acne, and people didn't ever say I was ugly by any means. But there are other things that aren't so great. Like the fact that when I bend over to pick something up, my lower back pretty much goes out on me.

Then there's my hips. I went to bed perfectly fine last night, and woke up with a terrible pain in my right hip.

I know this can't be good, because my Grandma had a hip replacement at some point in her life, and my other Grandma is pretty much keeled over when she's standing up.

Not that any of this is their fault. But I think "strong back" is definitely going to be on my "must have list" for any guy that may ask me to marry him.

By the way, I expect to look something like this within the next five years.


Anonymous said...

Are you putting a cane on your Christmas list?

Anonymous said...

At least in 5 years you're not going to be fat... not fat at all.

Madelyn said...

anonymous - I probably should.

Cofo - at this point I've become anorexic because it's just to much work to get up and make some food.

Syar said...

Your fierce hair will make up for your bad back, for sure.

Anonymous said...

So, the bad genes come from your mother's side?

Just sayin...

Jon said...

I don't think I have this problem. I'll double check with my genes, but I'm pretty sure my back is ok. It's all about properly cracking it.

cadiz12 said...

my yoga-instructor friend said that anytime something is out of alignment, your muscles or joints are too tight or anything disrupts the four curves of your spine, your lower back will be the first to yell out and let you know. she said most problems like that can be solved by making sure you are in balance by stretching out, etc. she's actually working with people who have back issues and helping them through yoga, with really good results.

might be an option?