Saturday, November 14, 2009


Eleven years ago today my Grandmother died. I was 15 years old at the time and although we weren't super close we had a lot of good times together.

She lived in South Carolina while my family lived in California. Every couple of years she and my Grandfather would come for a visit. They always stayed at the Vagabond Inn, which is kind of a trashy hotel now, but at the time was more like a Holiday Inn . . . then again I was young so what did I know.

Whenever they'd visit it was very exciting. My sister and I would go swimming at the hotel pool, and they'd always take us to eat at the Vagabonds diner.

Over the years we went to Disneyland, Universal Studios, the zoo . . . and . . . okay those are the only places I remember, but I'm sure there were more.

It was always fun and I was always sad when they left.

These are the things that I remember most about my Grandma:

1.) She smoked. Whenever we got gifts from her they always smelled like old smoke and her perfume. I really liked that smell.

2.) Her white hair. I found out after she died that she spent a lot of time at a hair salon. When my siblings and I met her hair stylist at her funeral, she knew all of our names without introduction.

3.) She always had to have a grilled cheese even if it wasn't on the menu. From what my father has told me, she wasn't much of a cook. Perhaps this was all she could make and therefore became accustomed to eating them at almost every meal.

4.) She gave me one of my favorite stuffed animals for Christmas one year. It was a dog with a nightgown on and his name was Nap. I would still have it, but it was in my car when it got stolen and the thieves took everything but the trash.

5.) Her pants. I don't know how else to describe them other than "Grandma pants".

6.) Her accent. I didn't really think of it as an accent until I got older, it was always just "the way grandma talks" . . . her daughter (my aunt) sounds exactly like her. In fact, she pretty much is her.

So this one's for my Grandma . . . may she rest in peace.


Jon said...

I hate cigarette smoke. I hate it probably more than anything in the world, but when it was mixed with her perfume and you opened a package from her, I don't know. There's nothing but happiness tied to that smell.

Anonymous said...


Syar said...

That's very sweet. I never knew either of my grandmas that well, and the one I did know mostly scared me. It's awesome that you have so many great memories of yours. RIP.

cadiz12 said...

it's a little weird when you meet someone for the first time and find out they know all about you; but it's awesome, too, because that means there's a person who loves you very much and doesn't mind spreading that around.

grandmas are the best. RIP.

Anonymous said...

I remember one year for Christmas (late 80s?) she sent a robotic cat toy, a Petster, I believe. I think I remember mom telling me grandma wanted to get it for me because it was probably the last toy I'd ever ask for.

Unknown said...

You forgot to talk about the SC Santa. Those packages were the best!! Unless it was clothes, because Grandma thought that your age = your size.

Anonymous said...

Grandmas are awesome, 'nuff said.

Rest in Peace.