Monday, July 26, 2010

I'm still alive Part II

Okay, where did I leave off?

Ahh yes, I had just been pulled over two days in a row and decided not to drive my car anymore until it was registered in the state of Nevada.

Instead of going into every little detail, I'm just going to tell you that I now have Nevada license plates on my car as well as a Nevada driver's license. It only took a total of five hours at 2 different DMV's in 2 different states on 2 separate days to get them. Life has been much less stressful ever since though.

Oh and did I mention I got yet another package from my beastly sister. Another doozy. I will soon have a museums worth of hippopotamus figurines and stuffed animals.

There were a lot of hilarious items in this package, but I think my favorite was a stuffed otter that came with a note that said "What's up with this? I OTTER be giving you more hippo stuff!"


Anonymous said...

Wow - so what do Nevada plates say?

"Silver State" or something?

Anonymous said...

You can thank my husband for the otter and the note. He loves himself a good pun.

cadiz12 said...

otters are so cute. have you ever seen them eat lunch?

glad to know the driving in fear is now over. :)