Friday, July 25, 2008

My SF Experience

I left for San Francisco on Sunday morning at 6:15 am. I didn't have any trouble waking up that morning because I didn't sleep a wink that night. This was partially from excitement, partially from stress, but there are also other factors I'd rather not mention at this time.

When I got to the airport my flight had been delayed 40 minutes. No big deal right? WRONG! I had forgotten how much I hate airports and all the people traveling within them. It might have been okay, had I brought something to do, but I didn't.

After what seemed like an eternity, I finally arrived at about 10:30 am. My friends (I'll call them Bo and Anna) picked me up and we headed straight for the wharf. On the way, Bo was quite the tourguide, but for all I know everything he said could have been made up.

My first impressions of the city were that it's messy, and squishy. I don't understand why these people refuse to paint the outside of their houses! Pastel is no longer in style, and I think the rest of America needs to tell them that!

The Wharf was not what I expected it to be at all. I expected it to be a lot smaller, and shorter. It is still a really cool place though. Anna says the best part about working on the Wharf is watching all the Tourists.

We had lunch at a seafood restaurant because Anna was against Bo's first choice. I ordered a burger, I know it's not seafood, but I like to think of cows as the Whales of the land. Bo got fish and chips and after going back and forth between several options Anna finally picked a bread bowl with a crab like soup in it. None of us were very impressed with our food, but Anna hated hers. The crab in her soup still had the shell on it, so she spent most of the meal getting it out. By the time she was done it no longer looked appetizing and her hands were covered in ickiness (yeah I said ickiness), so she left the restaurant dissappointed and hungry. The moral of this story is " Never pick your second choice, and never EVER disagree with Bo, because you will never hear the end of it . . . from me, not Bo."

I won't bore you with every tiny detail of my trip, but some of the highlights include: seeing Batman in Imax, almost getting an apartment, getting pedicures, eating at Bennihana, seeing the city at night, and a dinner at CPK that I will never forget.

All in all it was a good trip, and I hope we get an apartment soon so I can move A.S.A.P.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Tomorrow I leave for San Francisco! I'm not moving tomorrow, but I'm going for a visit and I am super excited. Plans for fun during my visit are as follows:

Walking across the Golden Gate Bridge

Swimming in the Bay - - - you say it's illegal, I say that only increases it's fun

Staying the night in Alcatraz - - - this isn't for sure yet, but once we swim in the bay, they will either throw us in there, or we'll sneak in since that is our swimming destination.

Looking at apartments - - - we still don't have one yet, and I'm getting desperate.

Stealing one million dollars - - - this will solve my budget problem, making it easier to find an apartment.

Applying for jobs at restaurants - - - I already have one job, but want to have two in order to get rid of that pesky free time I will have.

Seeing the new Batman movie - - - if everyone else is doing it, I might as well. Plus maybe I will learn something from the Joker that will help me steal that 1 million dollars I mentioned before.

Eat Cotton Candy - - - I just really like the stuff.

Go to the Fishermans Wharf - - - I want to see it because that is where I will be working.

So far that is all, but who knows what kind of crazy shinnanigans the three of us will get into. After all, we are one wild group.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Exercise Catch 22

Over the past two weeks I have been working out at Bally Total Fitness. I got a two week trial online because . . . well . . . I gained a little weight and I didn't like it. Not a whole lot of weight, but enough to make me say " I think I want to lose some weight."

I know two weeks isn't really enough time to make a whole lot of difference, but I feel it is better than nothing. I haven't gone everyday because I was out of town for three days, but I have gone as much as I can.

I sort of know what I'm doing because I used to be what some people might call a "Gym Rat". When I was in high school I took a circuit training class as well as a weight training class at the local community college. After that I went to the gym religously until I moved to San Diego where I kind of fell out of it, with a few exceptions.

Anyway, back to the point of this post. The thing about exercise is that you feel great afterwards because your body releases endorphins to ease the pain you would actually feel if your body didn't release them. So that part is nice. Unfortunately, if you don't do it everyday or keep busy on the days you don't you pretty much feel like crap. At least in my case. I get headaches and feel guilty for not going . . . among other things.

HOWEVER, when you do go you are super super hungry all day long. Insatiable really. I, personally, end up eating way too much. Mostly due to lack of self-control, but still. So I ask . . . WHAT IS THE POINT? Sure exercise is good for your health, but I don't really care about that, I just don't want to be fat, and I'm pretty sure that's why everyone does it. In fact I have no doubt in my mind that's why people do it.

All I want is to not be so damn hungry afterwards! I remember the good old days when ephedrine was still legal. Why does everything that works so well have to be illegal?

Oh, I would also like to take this time to announce to my friends and family that I will be moving to San Francisco in August . . . right after I get back from my trip to Chicago / Indiana.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

You're Welcome

Okay, so I was thinking the other day about how parents always tell there kids to say Thank You. I myself witness this constantly as a server, and sometimes get stuck at a table for way too long simply because I'm waiting for some shy kid to just listen to their mother and tell me thank you.

But what about You're Welcome. How often do you hear a mother or father say "Say You're Welcome Honey!"

The answer is never. I know my mom and dad never forced me to say it. It was always " Say please Madelyn" or "Say Excuse me Madelyn." But not once do I remember them making me say You're welcome.

Well now, here I am, 24 years old and finding it almost impossible to say those two (well sort of three) little words. All I ever say is "yuppers" or "no problem". I think most of the time I'm afraid to say it because saying you're welcome is like saying "yes, I know I did a wonderful thing and you are now forever in my debt."
