Sunday, March 13, 2011


It's that time of year again. Just about 40 days before Easter.

Although I haven't been to church in . . . I don't know how long . . . I usually like to participate in Lent.


I think self discipline is a good practice for anyone. I also like to participate in Yom Kippur if I'm given proper notice of what date it actually falls on. Maybe it's stupid . . . I don't know. I just sort of think we live in a time and a place where everything is so easily accessible to us that if we don't deprive ourselves of some things, sometimes, we'll just end up even worse off than we already are.

For example, I work in a place where there is not an open WiFi network. Not because we don't want to be able to provide one, but because we can't provide one without effectively securing access to our . . . I'm not sure how to say this . . . private information, I guess you would call it. Which means, if we did have WiFi, people could easily hack into our computers and steal important information.

But that's not the point. The point is, every time someone asks me for the password and I tell them that we don't have open WiFi to the public, they get pissed. I think it's a little ridiculous that people can't spend an hour of their lives without internet access.

I almost wish we still lived in a time where you had to be home to receive a phone call.

Don't get me wrong, I love technology, but I wish we didn't know any better sometimes.

So anyway, this year for Lent I decided to give up my biggest weakness . . . sugar. I bet you all thought I was going to say the internet huh? Well, that wouldn't make much sense now would it? How could I possibly be writing this post if that were the case?

Now, when I say sugar, I don't mean sugar entirely . . . that would be a little ridiculous, because there is some sugar in just about everything we eat. So to be more specific, I have given up Candy, and dessert food items . . . pretty much anything that is completely sugar based. Excluding fruit of course, that would just be silly.

So far it's been 5 days and it has been extremely difficult. THERE IS CAKE AND CANDY EVERYWHERE! Especially with Easter only 35 days away. I think they put that stuff out a little bit too early.

But I'm not just talking about in grocery stores . . . there's ice cream shops, donut shops, frozen yogurt shops . . . they. are. everywhere.

Did any of you give something up for Lent?


Anonymous said...

Wow - giving up sugar. I'm impressed.

Wish I had that kind of willpower.

My "phone" uses only WiFi - I'd be pissed, too.

Jon said...

Do a lot of people ask for the wifi? If so, would it be that hard to set up a second line, separate from the work network? I say no. Also, who seriously can't go that long? And is their cell coverage really that bad that then can't get what they need otherwise? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!?!

We've given up TV for lent. I'm also of the opinion that giving something up should mean something. Saying you're giving up baby stealing for lent isn't the same. Unless of course, stealing babies is your thing and you do it all the time, then that would qualify. Our TV giving up does have some exceptions though. I can still watch live sports as well as one other thing which I cannot divulge at this time, and she can still watch one of her shows that I can't find anywhere else otherwise. It has not been easy.

Word Verification: proute - Feeling good about the way you destroyed the competition.

Syar said...

I'm giving up blogging! BA-DUM-CHING!

Actually maybe I should give up making bad jokes, because it feels so good, but is probably bad for me.

I never participated in Lent, and probably never will. My version of this will probably be Ramadan, where we fast and have to practice a lot of restraint (Smoking is a no-no, not that I do it but I remember my sister having a hard time with that when she was still smoking, and also it's worse to curse when you're fasting).

But sugar, whoo boy. I don't think I could do that. God speed!

cadiz12 said...

giving up sugar is hard on anyone, but i really wonder how you're surviving. i hope you don't have to stare at that big bowl of candy next to your bed this whole time.

some of our friends gave up cheese, and that seems just as bad.

as much as i love technology, i agree, it'd be nice to not be so dang reachable all the time. like if you had to call and yell at someone, they had to be home, and if they weren't, you'd just have to try again. maybe you'd calm down by then. now people just put it on FB and then regret what they said.

Anonymous said...

Based on your example I'm giving up beer for Lent...

Anonymous said...

I gave up caring what other people think.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should have given up not posting every day.

Anonymous said...

I just got back to the University from Spring break and none of the dining halls were open yet, so I had to live on chocolate Cadbury eggs for a whole day (because obviously I'm not walking into town to get food!)

The moral of the story is... without sugar, I'd probably be dead. Either that, or healthier and in better shape. Same thing, really.

Either way, good luck!