It seems that every blog I follow had a new post today. I feel it's a sign that I too, must post. Do I have anything interesting to say? No, not at all. So I'll just take you through my day. Prepare to be bored.
9:30 am - Woke up without the help of an alarm clock. Realized I didn't have to be awake yet, went back to sleep.
10 am - Alarm clock went off, I hit the snooze.
10:05 am - Really tired but can't stop thinking that any minute my alarm is going to go off again and I will have to wake up and get ready for work. So I just get up.
10:06 am - Brush my teeth.
10:09 am - Turn shower on, then proceed to take shower.
10:19 am - get dressed, brush hair, lotion up.
10:25 - check e-mail, facebook, twitter . . . the usual.
10:35 - Leave apartment, lock door, walk down to car, start car, leave parking lot, etcetera.
10:40 am - Stop at 7 11 for much needed caffeinated beverage.
10:42 am - Walk to counter to purchase caffeinated beverage, girl behind counter annoys me insisting that I was just there purchasing the exact same drink. I use my bachelors degree in Psychology to assess that she is crazy. She keeps talking, her coworker gets involved. I think to myself "please just take my money and give me my change so I can go." Eventually this happens. Leave extremely annoyed but excited about my caffeinated beverage.
10:45 am - Drive to work.
11:03 am - Enter building I work in, still feeling tired, and wondering once again if there was actually any caffeine in my so called "caffeinated beverage".
11:06 am - Steal Dear Abby and Word Jumble from place of businesses Newspaper.
11:08 am - Skim Dear Abby for interesting problem. No luck, proceed to solve word Jumble.
11:10 - Word Jumble solved. Yes, I am a genius.
11:15 - Begin work.
Unfortunately, I cannot go into detail about my work day, sworn to secrecy.
2:45 pm - Finish work day. Drive home.
3:15 pm - Eat lunch.
3:30 pm - Check e-mail, facebook, twitter.
4:00 pm - Fall asleep from doing exhausting top secret work for three hours.
6:30 pm - Get ready for gym.
6:45 pm - Leave for gym. Wave to lovely old lady who lives next door to me and often sits outside with what I can only assume is her bff and talks.
7:00 pm - Arrive at gym, walk to treadmill. Adjust my shoes, retie them, strap on ipod, turn on music and run 2 miles.
7:30 pm - Begin weight lifting portion of gym time. Sculpt my legs to perfection, conveniently forget to stretch, and leave gym.
8:00 pm - Drive to Walmart to buy some food.
What I purchased at Walmart : Ice, Starbucks Frappucinos, toothpicks, 2 red bell peppers, 2 onions, 1 box multigrain farfalle pasta, 1 package gum, mushrooms, plastic cups (red), 1 box twinkies, 1 box hostess cupcakes.
No, I'm not proud of those last two things . . . But DAMNIT there was candy everywhere because of halloween, I was only born with so much will power.
8:30 pm - Drive home.
8:40 pm - Arrive home. Struggle to carry all grocery bags up at once to avoid second trip. Look for old ladies, but they must have gone inside.
8:45 pm - Put groceries away, wash dishes.
9:00 pm - Take another shower.
9:10 pm - Cook dinner.
9:30 pm - Eat delicious dinner while watching "How I Met Your Mother" online.
10:00 pm - Fight urge to eat entire box of hostess cupcakes and twinkies. Instead, have one of each.
10:15 pm - Read the blogs I follow . . . surprised to see that all of them have posted today. Decide to come up with my own post, no matter how boring it is.
10:30 - Begin writing post, and trying to recall events of the day.
11:29 - Finish post, realizing how boring my day was.
This blog is dedicated to things that bother me, things that I find fascinating, and pretty much anything else I might have to say.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
3 truths and a lie
Yup, time for another post of THREE TRUTHS AND A LIE. Let's get started shall we?
1.) Lately I've been feeling extremely lethargic both at work and at home. My face has also been twitching, and sometimes when I close my eyes it seems as though the room is spinning (with no alcohol involved). At first I thought it might just be anemia, but now, after watching hours on end of Grey's Anatomy, I am convinced I have a brain tumor.
2.) Three weeks ago I joined a gym. I've been trying really hard to eat healthy lately and have come to realize that fruits and vegetables are not only expensive, but you can't buy them in bulk. It's been a huge pain in the ass, and I'm losing a battle against candy. (hmmm, that was kind of three things in one wasn't it? . . . oh well, they're either all true, or all false, you decide)
3.) Recently I was in a car accident and my face now looks like this. I'm sorry I didn't call anybody, but I'm in a lot of pain.

4.) Last but not least, I gave up Red Bull about 2 weeks ago, unfortunately I bought one today. In fact i bought 2 (it was 2 for $5, how could I resist). I don't regret it though, not for one second.
Okay, I think it's pretty obvious which one is the lie, so there will be no prize this time. Good luck, not that you need it.
1.) Lately I've been feeling extremely lethargic both at work and at home. My face has also been twitching, and sometimes when I close my eyes it seems as though the room is spinning (with no alcohol involved). At first I thought it might just be anemia, but now, after watching hours on end of Grey's Anatomy, I am convinced I have a brain tumor.
2.) Three weeks ago I joined a gym. I've been trying really hard to eat healthy lately and have come to realize that fruits and vegetables are not only expensive, but you can't buy them in bulk. It's been a huge pain in the ass, and I'm losing a battle against candy. (hmmm, that was kind of three things in one wasn't it? . . . oh well, they're either all true, or all false, you decide)
3.) Recently I was in a car accident and my face now looks like this. I'm sorry I didn't call anybody, but I'm in a lot of pain.

4.) Last but not least, I gave up Red Bull about 2 weeks ago, unfortunately I bought one today. In fact i bought 2 (it was 2 for $5, how could I resist). I don't regret it though, not for one second.
Okay, I think it's pretty obvious which one is the lie, so there will be no prize this time. Good luck, not that you need it.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
1.) I WANT a Dunder Mifflin Scranton shirt. The red one from the company picnic episode. Also known as last seasons finale.
2.) I WANT bugs, spiders, moths, wasps etc. to stay the hell away from me at all times.
3.) I WANT a lifetime supply of Red Bull.
4.) I WANT to be able to wear scrubs to work without actually working in a hospital.
5.) I WANT to eat candy all day without getting cavities or gaining weight.
1.) I NEED medical insurance.
2.) I NEED to figure out what the hell I want to do with my life.
3.) I NEED 1 billion dollars . . . in order to NOT need number 2's need.
4.) I NEED two new front tires for my car. Which would be simple if I had number 3.
5.) I NEED someone to find a cure for headaches.
1.) I HAVE a very entertaining blog.
2.) I HAVE a Steve Carell bobble head. Priceless? Yes, yes it is.
3.) I HAVEa big bag of candy that I really WANT to eat right now, but I NEED to not eat all of it. (see what I did there)
4.) I HAVE a thick red rubber band around my wrist that I'm pretending is for a cause, but is actually from around a head of cabbage.
5.) I HAVE to come up with something better than this to post.
But I won't.
Note: All these Wants/Needs/Haves are subject to change at any time without any notice and without any reason.
1.) I WANT a Dunder Mifflin Scranton shirt. The red one from the company picnic episode. Also known as last seasons finale.
2.) I WANT bugs, spiders, moths, wasps etc. to stay the hell away from me at all times.
3.) I WANT a lifetime supply of Red Bull.
4.) I WANT to be able to wear scrubs to work without actually working in a hospital.
5.) I WANT to eat candy all day without getting cavities or gaining weight.
1.) I NEED medical insurance.
2.) I NEED to figure out what the hell I want to do with my life.
3.) I NEED 1 billion dollars . . . in order to NOT need number 2's need.
4.) I NEED two new front tires for my car. Which would be simple if I had number 3.
5.) I NEED someone to find a cure for headaches.
1.) I HAVE a very entertaining blog.
2.) I HAVE a Steve Carell bobble head. Priceless? Yes, yes it is.
3.) I HAVEa big bag of candy that I really WANT to eat right now, but I NEED to not eat all of it. (see what I did there)
4.) I HAVE a thick red rubber band around my wrist that I'm pretending is for a cause, but is actually from around a head of cabbage.
5.) I HAVE to come up with something better than this to post.
But I won't.
Note: All these Wants/Needs/Haves are subject to change at any time without any notice and without any reason.
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