Monday, March 15, 2010

My Bucket List

The other day I was watching a movie, (no, not "The Bucket List" although I have seen that movie and that's why I've titled this post "my Bucket List") and in this movie there was a scene with a man milking a cow. At that moment I thought to myself " I want to milk a cow someday", so here I am, creating a list of things I'd like to do someday.

1.) Milk a cow

2.) Pet a penguin

3.) own a big ass trampoline

4.) meet Steve Carell

5.) See my brother and his fiance get married

6.) Make pudding from scratch ( the kind that has the skin on it . . . I've heard good things about pudding skin)

7.) Get one of those so called "Real" jobs

8.) figure out how to make the best pancakes ever, so that after people eat them they say "Those are the best damn pancakes I've ever had, and I used to live with Aunt Jemima!"

9.) Run a marathon . . . or at least a half marathon . . . okay maybe just a 5k.

10.) Bowl a perfect game.

That's it for now, but I'm still pretty young so I'll probably be adding to the list as time goes on.

On a different note, I still haven't had a red bull ( I don't know exactly how many days it's been, but it's been a while), but I did smell one the other night, and it was very hard to resist.


Anonymous said...

Great list.

Anonymous said...

I also have a list, except it is of Animals I'd like to Touch. Cow is at the top of it. On an unrelated note, expect a care package to arrive to help you through your red bull withdrawals.

Madelyn said...

Anon #1 - Thanks.

Anon #2 - Remember when we were in Germany and there was that one cow . . . didn't it have flies all over it? I want to touch a cow that doesn't have flies all over it. Other than that I mostly just want to touch a penguin.

A care package? YEA!