Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What Happened.

Whoever said " You are going to regret saying that" in the comment form of my blog, on the last day of NaBloPoMo, after I told everyone I would continue posting until the 24th, was right. I don't know what happened . . . scratch that, yes I do.

I believe it all started on a Wednesday. I got a fake diamond and some handmade snowflakes that day. All of which I really enjoyed. Then I went to work.

When I got home from work, extreme laziness ensued.

Before I knew it, it was 10 o'clock at night. I went to the gym. I came home, started my post in order to ensure the correct date at the top so I could fool you all and just finish it the next morning.

The next morning came, and I continued to put it off. "Nobody's reading this anyway", I assured myself, because after all, Syar was the only one commenting.

Another day went by, and I vowed to do a catch-up post, which would include all advent gifts to date. I even started it . . . took pictures and everything. Unfortunately, I quickly became dissatisfied with everything I was writing. None of it was any good.

After that I gave up. I knew I was a failure in everyone's eyes by now, and I accepted it.

And here we are, 7 days later. Now, I'm unable to even tell you what I got on what day, because the gifts have not been kept organized. All I can really say is that I look forward to opening them every morning.


Anonymous said...

That's it? Laziness? Wow. I was worried about you and you were just lazy? Well, I hope you enjoy the gifts anyway! Beast

Anonymous said...

I look at this blog two or three times a day...

Anonymous said...

I also look at this blog two or three times a day - anonymous 1

Syar said...

Lols at the two Anons. Such fans!

I would really like to see photos of this fake diamond! It intrigues me. Is it made of paper? Or is it CZ?

Anonymous said...

I also check this blog every day- anonymous 3

Anonymous said...

Yeah, pictures! Show us what you got! - anon 4

Madelyn said...

Anonymousers - it's really nice of you to post a bunch of comments pretending to be more than one person.

Syar - Lols, to your Lols./ Done!