Saturday, November 3, 2012

Taking it to the next level

On August 20th, I completed the Insanity program with Shaun T., an extreme exercise program that lasts 60 days. It was intense and I learned a lot from it. Since then, I've been lifting weights on the reg. and I'm in pretty good shape. You're supposed to eat 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight when you are in serious strength training mode. That can be tough when you're a vegetarian. So today I bought this:

Sorry, you're going to have to tilt your head. I didn't take the picture like that on purpose. No time to explain.

Aaaaaaand, thanks to my friend T.R.D., I have just the cup to drink it from! Go ahead and keep your head tilted.


Don't panic, I'm not trying to bulk up and look like a man, I'm just trying to be in the best shape of my life, that's all. 

1 comment:

Jon said...

I know you won't admit it yourself, so I'll let everyone know that you worked your left side way to hard the other day and that's why all your pictures are sideways.