Sunday, November 13, 2011


My favorite words.

Gaggle - a flock of geese./ A disorderly or noisy group of people. - Something about this word just appeals to me. I also deal with gaggle's of people almost everyday.

Rigmarole - confused or meaningless talk. - My love for this word is based purely on my sisters hate for it.

Don't say my blog never taught you anything.


Anonymous said...

*ahem* The second word is actually "rigamarole." And yes, It is a real word!

Syar said...

Is it though? Google tells me it's rigmarole over rigamarole! Who do I belieeeeveeee?

In any case, rig(a)marole always reminds me of casserole, and rissoles, so in whatever context that word is used it always makes me a little bit hungry.

Madelyn said...

Mom- Syar's right. I wasn't sure how to spell it, so I asked Cadiz. She spelled it your way the first time, but my dictionary didn't recognize it as a word. Then I googled it without the first A, and that's when I got results.

cadiz12 said...

i always think of it with the secondary definition, "a complex and sometimes ritualistic procedure." maybe it's because my dad uses that word to describe a hassle not worth his time.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...looks like the dictionary needs to be corrected!