Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Riddle me this

Time for another interactive post. This one consists of 5 riddles I found online. First one to answer them all correctly gets a prize. This means if you comment anonymously, you have to end the comment with your initials so I know who you are. If your'e my mom or dad, you can sign it as such, or you can put your initials.


1.) I am said by one letter. I am spelled with three. 2 Letters in me. I'm double or single, or brown, blue, or green. I'm read from both ends, and the same the other way. What am I?

2.) For some I go fast, for some I go slow. To most people I'm an obsession, relying on me is a well practiced lesson. What am I?

3.) The more you take, the more you leave behind. What are they?

4.) Can you name 3 consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday?

5.) What type of house weighs the least?

Good luck!


Syar said...

I think I only have two answers!

2) Time?
4) Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow?

Number 1 is killing me. WHAT IS IT?

Anonymous said...

eye, time, footsteps. yesterday.. today.. tomorrow, lighthouse aunt L

Anonymous said...

Ditto above. My sister beat me...Mom

cadiz12 said...

Dang, and I thought I'd be first!

Jon said...

1. Eye
2. Traffic
3. Minutes to get ready
4. November 9th,10th and 11th (and only these three days!)
5. A light house.

These are the correct answers. You're welcome.

Madelyn said...

Aunt L wins! You will receive your prize shortly.