Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Last Day

Kris - "So what's the deal with Hell anyway?"

Arlen - "I've seen Hell, and it's name is Reno, Nevada."

A quote from the movie "The Answer Man".

I first saw this movie about a year and a half ago. I was living in Reno, Nevada at the time. It caught me off guard when I first heard it. Then, I replayed it and laughed hysterically before ultimately realizing it was the truth.

I recommend watching "The Answer Man". It stars Lauren Graham (Gilmore Girls, Parenthood) and Jeff Daniels. It's currently available on Netflix to watch instantly. IMDB rated it at 6.5 stars. Netflix at 2.5. I think it deserves an 8 and a 3.5 personally . . . and that's just based on that one line I mentioned above.

Other movies I highly recommend that also didn't do well on the star charts:

1.)The Timer
2.) Lovely Still

Other than that, this will be my last post until the next time I post. Could be tomorrow, Could be November 1st, 2012. I hope you've fallen in love with both me, and my blog. You can still access this page by going to my profile on Facebook and looking under my websites. However, if you haven't bookmarked me on your personal computer, work computer, AND your smart phone, I consider it a personal failure. You can still bookmark me today, if this idea has never occurred to you until now. I personally abbreviate it to BE which is short for both "Best Ever" and "Bowling Express".

1 comment:

Syar said...

I subscribe to your RSS feed, so I consider myself pretty effin' cool. Happy end of NaBloPoMo! I will probably look up all these movies, because you kinda had me at Lauren Graham and my cinematic goodwill spilled over to the other two movies.