Wednesday, November 23, 2011

High Hopes

If the world turns out the way I want it to . . .

Begin Scene

Server - Good morning, my name is Bee Sting*, and I'll be taking care of you today.

Me - Good morning.

Server - Can I get you started with something to drink? Coffee? RedBull?

Me - I'm actually ready to order everything if that's okay?

Server - Sounds good, what can I get for you?

Me - Well, I will have that RedBull, sugar free if you have it . . . and for breakfast [tapping fingers on chin while reading order from the menu] I would like the tub of Red Vines [pause, then decide to order more] . . . with a side of Reeses Peanut butter cups please.

Server - Excellent choice ma'am.

End Scene

* Remember, this is the future, the names are going to be . . . different.


Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving menu?

cadiz12 said...

Like katniss?

Anonymous said...

So you're having a sugar-free Redbull and a couple of pounds of sugar for breakfast?