Saturday, November 27, 2010

Really, it's still November?

Today I was suppose to work, but didn't.

Today I spent a lot of money at Best Buy.

Today I finally found a free program that enabled me to transfer all the songs on my ipod to my computer. So family, scratch that off my Christmas list.

I've been trying to do this for a year and a half now because ever since I got my new macbook I haven't been able to
transfer the songs that were on my old computer onto my new computer.

Today I discovered a new song I like from an album I've had for a few months now, but didn't really care for, so I never really listened to it.

But enough about today, let me entertain you with a crappy drawing.

Oh, I'm sorry, did I say crappy? I meant AWESOME!


Syar said...

I can't believe it's still November either! It's supposed to be a shorter month but it feels like it's been going on for years!

You'd think you wouldn't need a program to transfer stuff from one Apple product to another. They're always all up in your grill with syncing things up, which is why my iPhoto annoyingly always pops up when I plug in my Phillips mp3 player. Glad you got it sorted though.

Did you trace that drawing somehow on paintbrush? Your lines are so straight! Colour me impressed.

cadiz12 said...

were they hoping you'd buy all those songs again from iTunes?

Jon said...

Score one for the PC's on the transfer of old stuff!! (as I type this from a mac...)

Alslungs = The opposite of tub lung.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I had to go through the whole ipod to mac transfer thing earlier this year. I almost had a panic attack just at the thought that I could lose my whole music library. Good thing you had the power of superman on your side.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...about that PC to PC transfer.

Not so good. The files of the tunes are "no longer available" on my old computer, but I can't find them on the new one. Where did they go???
Glad you found something that works, though.