Thursday, November 5, 2009

Remember, Remember

Remember, remember the 5th of November, the gun powder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gun powder treason should ever be forgot.

"V for Vendetta" is a movie I never thought I'd watch. Why? One reason. Creepy masked man.

However, about 4 weeks ago it was on MTV and my BFF said I should watch it. I told her I don't like movies with scary men in masks, but she insisted. She told me that the masked man was a good guy. This didn't really sway me . . . you see . . . when I was about 12, I watched "The Crow". The Crow is a good guy, and yet I still ended up sleeping on the floor of my brothers room for a month. Yes, an entire month, I'm not exaggerating here.***

I didn't end up watching it that night. But then it was on again a couple days later. There wasn't anything else on, so I basically had no choice.

The next three hours were glorious (3 hours with commercials . . . yes, I think this is ridiculous).

I'm not going to summarize the movie, because if you haven't seen it, then you should go watch it. If you have seen it, then you know how wonderful it is . . . unless you didn't like the movie, which is just crazy.

I'd like to say that I went to bed fearless that night, but I was still afraid a man in a Guy Fawkes mask was going to come and murder me. I guess that's just how my mind works. So I had no choice but to fly to Chicago and sleep on the floor of my brothers room. It was expensive, but not unnecessary.

*** during the duration of my one month stay on the floor of my brothers room he said something to me that I will never forget. First a little background information is necessary. Yes, I had trouble sleeping after seeing a scary movie, but it wasn't because I had nightmares. I always slept just fine if there was someone in the room with me. I just felt safer. So when my brother asked me why I couldn't sleep in my own room I explained this to him. He replied with this " So by sleeping in my room you'll get to see me murdered before he murders you." Although he made a good point, I still didn't want to sleep alone, but I'll still never forget it.


Jon said...

I keep trying to get Cadiz to watch this, but it hasn't happened yet. She's not resisting per se, we just haven't had the time.

I remember that month well. I'm also still not happy with your "Friend" Ashley for repeatedly making you watch scary movies over at her house.

I do not remember saying that, but one thing is for sure, I really know how to comfort someone in their time of need. I should be writing books about that or something.

Anonymous said...

Damnit, you stole my post! I was even going to name it the exact same thing.

Of course, you didn't actually anything, because you gave me the idea.

Anyway, happy Guy Fawkes Day!

cadiz12 said...

i totally want to watch this movie! too bad H and i are in different zip codes most of the week and have about 12 hours of dvr stuff to watch when we finally are in front of the same tv. it'll happen, though.

Madelyn said...

Jon - Ashley only made me watch that terrible Scream movie. Who made me watch The Crow?

You always did have the right words.

Cofo - I know i told you, you should post about this, but I figured you would have something different to say. I would've still posted this even if you hadn't procrastinated posting until the last minute and had posted this morning.

Cadiz - drop everything you're doing, call in sick to work, take the train to your condo, and watch this movie.
Also, Damnit, I spelled Fawkes wrong. I do not like doing that and have already edited it.

Jon said...

I don't recall making you watch anything. Also, how was I supposed to know?!? He's a good guy!! It's not like you're terrified of Superman, or Spider-man, or Batman, or Ironman, or Anchorman! Sheesh!!